Frequently Asked Questions

How can I print pages of Avery labels with barcode content?

The recommended solution for printing pages of labels with barcode content is to use Yansa Labs integration between Barcode & QR Code Generator and PDF Generator. Both of these apps are maintained by Yansa Labs and have a direct integration to allow including barcode content on PDF templates.

PDF Generator includes a turn-key integration with Avery labels, including pre-built templates. It is simple to accommodate your own templates by following our documentation.

This solution allows precise generation of PDF documents for printing, regardless of the browser or printer used.

How can I print barcodes without having to confirm the print dialog each time?

Most browsers allow 'silent printing' to automatically print without a confirmation dialog. As this configuration varies between browsers and operating systems, we recommend using your favorite search engine to determine how to enable 'silent printing' for your preferred browser.

How can I improve the print layout of my barcode labels?

Each printer, browser, and operating system will handle print layout a bit differently. When printing directly from Barcode & QR Code Generator, it may be necessary to test different barcode label layouts and print margin/header/etc settings to find the optimal configuration for your use-case. When highly specific print layouts are required, we recommend using our integration between Barcode & QR Code Generator and PDF Generator. Although it is most often used for printing pages of labels, it is also effective for highly-specific single-page label layouts.

Why do my small barcode labels have odd sizing or overlap?

We've worked hard to standardized sizing and make it as easy as possible to build pixel-perfect barcode labels at any size. However, smaller labels make it more difficult to properly fit readable barcodes and additional content. Occasionally, barcodes in small form factors must scale larger vertically or horizontally in order to ensure they can be read by a scanner, and this can push or overlap adjacent content.

In these cases, you may need to adjust sizing and placement of content to find the optimal layout. Also, be sure to test your barcode label with your scanner to ensure that it is still readable at a small size.

How can I improve rendering speed of my barcodes?

Some types of barcodes can take longer to render, especially server-side. This is due to the complexity of performing the necessary vector math to generate barcodes and fonts. Characteristics that can increase rendering time are:

  1. Barcode complexity: 2D barcodes such as Aztec Code or PDF417 take much longer to generate than 1D barcodes such as CODE128. (Exception: Our QR Code algorithm has been highly optimized so that it performs similarly to 1D barcodes)

  2. Including text on the barcode: Enabling the 'Show value' option on the barcode attempts to include text as part of rendered SVG content, which is computationally intensive. Disabling this option may increase speed significantly. If you need to display the underlying value of the barcode, adding it as a separate text or HTML Barcode Part is a more efficient option.

Why can I not see barcodes in my email notification preview?

ServiceNow uses HTML sanitization in-platform to prevent rendering of some types of content, including SVG. For this reason, barcodes will not be visible when viewing email previews within ServiceNow. However, barcode content is included with emails when they are sent, and that content should be visible to the end user when the email is received.

Last updated